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Miele Washing machine goes and goes to 20 years with a small Repair and Service !

Here is the proof that no one sees or hears because its hidden away in a cold and lonely laundry in Woolahra, Sydney. This  Washing machine in Woolahra I have repaired twice (yes 2 times)  repair is not really the right word to use ‘maintained’ is a better choice . So this W918 was purchased […]

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Miele Training on Generation 6000 series

As a  Miele Service Provider I was invited to the training for the Miele Generation 6000 series of  Miele Appliances. Basically a complete new range of Cooking Appliances to be introduced to Australia replacing the current 5000 series. The new line includes the new CVA6800 Coffee machine, DG6800 Steamer, also Microwave, Combi steamer, Oven and ESW6229 […]

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Miele Vacuum Cleaners

Do you own a Miele vacuum cleaner? Well, here’s a quick reminder about two very clever features – the parking system and the bumper strip. 1. The Parking System  Did you know that every Miele vacuum cleaner has a parking system on the back of it? (See picture at left.) This is really handy when […]

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Welcome to A.D. Power Repairs’ blog. I’m Andy, an authorised Miele service provider supporting Miele customers across Sydney’s CBD, eastern and inner western suburbs. You’ll find all things Miele on this blog, from useful tips and information to ideas on how to get the most out of your Miele appliance, especially if you haven’t read […]

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